Soaking Prayer in Lent


When we soak in God’s presence, we are in a place of rest where we wait upon Him. Soaking in something, is more than a quick dip. It is giving time to become saturated and full of what we soak in: the presence of God by the Holy Spirit.

Soaking prayer involves becoming saturated with God so that we take on God’s flavour or nature. God wants us to be transformed into the image of His Son and carry his fragrance and flavour. Soaking is something that can be done privately in our own home whenever we choose. There is something powerful however about doing it in a group. When believers gather together there is a corporate anointing and finding the presence of God is easier.

What will happen.

The room is set out so that you can sit or even lie comfortably. There may be some quiet instrumental music playing to help screen out more extraneous noise. We will start with a prayer inviting God to work with us by the Spirit and then the session will be overseen by myself and/or another Christian Chaplain. We will watch for anyone who may need more prayer or attention, otherwise we will be continuing to pray for the Spirit to rest and fill those who are present ‘soaking’. Towards the end of the session one of us would draw things to a close.

You are free to leave early (or come late) -just do so quietly so as not to unduly disturb others.

Let us know if you hope to come along:

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About Andii

Coordinating faith adviser and also Anglican chaplain at Northumbria Universty. Been an ordained Anglican since 1986. Involved in urban ministry and as a university and college chaplain. Still also part-time involvement as a tutor in degree-level theological and ministerial education. Interests: technology, education, environment, social justice, creativity, personal and spiritual growth.

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